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Journal of Oral Biosciences (2022)6(14): 12452–12467. |
Green tea catechins inhibit Porphyromonas gulae LPS-induced inflammatory responses in human gingival epithelial cells |
Stem Cell Research (2022)Volume 60, April 2022, 102668 |
A human pluripotent stem cell line KUMi004-A generated from a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
Stem Cell Research (2022)Volume 64, October 2022, 102887 |
Generation and characterization of cynomolgus monkey kidney fibroblasts (cmKF)-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (cmKF-iPS-C5) |
Al-Qadisiyah journal of pure science (2022)Vol 6. 23-45p 2 |
The effect of age ,gender, type of feeding and receiving atreatment on the distribution of Enterovirus infection among chidren |
Iran J Vet Res (2022)22(2): 155–160. |
Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of VIIl sub-genotype of avian orthoavulavirus 1 |